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ዳዊት ክብሮም

ስለዚህ ይህን ቃሌን ሰምቶ የሚያደርገው ሁሉ ቤቱን በዓለት ላይ የሠራ ልባም ሰውን ይመስላል። ፤ ዝናብም ወረደ ጎርፍም መጣ ነፋስም ነፈሰ ያንም ቤት ገፋው፥ በዓለት ላይም ስለ ተመሠረተ አልወደቀም። የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 7:24-25 ነዚ ነገረይ ሰሚዑ ዚገብሮ ኹሉ፡ ቤቱ ኣብ ከውሒ ዝሰርሔ ብልሂ ሰብኣይ ይመስል፤ ዝናም ዘነመ፡ ውሒዝ ወሐዘ፡ ንፋስውን ነፈሰ፡ ነታ ቤት ከኣ ደፍእዋ። ኣብ ከውሒ ተሰሪታ እያ እሞ፡ ኣይወደቐትን። ማቴዎስ 7: 24-25 ኣብ ከውሒ ዝሰርሔ ብልሂ ሰብኣይ (በዓለት ላይ የሠራ ልባም) እቲ ዝሰምዕ ናይ ጎይታ ነገር ዝሰምዕ እሞ ሰሚዑ ዝገብር እምበር ብምስማዕ ጥራሕ ዘይነብር ንሱ እዩ እቲ ብልሂ እቲ ጎራሕ መሰረት ቤቱ ኣጽኒዑ ዝሰርሕ ዝናብ ይዝነባ እታ ቤቱ ኣብ ልዕሊኣ ውሒዝ ይውሓዝ ኣብትሕቲኣ ህቦብላ ንፋስውን ይንፈስ ኣብዙርያኣ ዋላውን ኩሎም ሓቢሮም እንተደፍእዋ ብዝሕ እንተጸዓሩ ንኸውድቕዋ ሓንቲ ስድሪ’ኳ ምንቕ ነየብልዋ ኣብ ከውሒ እምበር’ዩ እቲ ብልሂ ሰሪትዋ

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​አስቴር ተፈራ

ይህ እግዚአብሄር ያዘጋጀልኝ መአድ ነው በዚህም ከሙሉ አቅርቦት ጋር ለመንፈሳዊና ስጋዊ ህይወቴ ጥንካሬና ድጋፍ ዕውቀትን በማስጨበጥ እንዲሁም በመንፈስ ቅዱስ ሀይል በደመነፈሰ ከነበረው ጕዞዬ ወደማስተዋል የመራኝ እግዚአብሄር አምላክና አባቴ መድሀኒቴ እየሱስ ክርስቶስ ይባረክ የበለጠ እንድቆራኝ ነፍሴ ሆይ እረፊ ብያለሁ። በተሰማ ቁጥር በየግዜው እያሸተ የሚሄድ አዲስ የሚፈልቅ ትምህርት መረዳት መገለጥና ፈውስ ነው። እግዚአብሄር ይባረክህ ፖስተር በጣም ነው የማከብርህ እግዚአብሄር ይባርክህ ቤተሰቦችህ የአንተ የሆነ ሁሉ ይባረኩ አሜን። አስቴር ተፈራ

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​ሳአዳ  አሊ

I am very grateful to God that He blessed me with such spirtiual father, Pastor Dr. Tesfahun Mulualem, who shaped my faith to the highest standard. I was searching for where to learn the purpose of my faith, what I am created for and how I can see myself in-relationship with God. I wondered where to find it but as it is written “Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart“. Here I am now blessed because of this course, the Higher life which enabled me to see my self in the light and I have now found out who I am in God's eye and my purpose here on earth. Pastor Dr. Tesfahun is such a gifted person and a gift to others who want to find answers about the purpose of a spiritual life . Thank you Pastor Dr. Tesfahun Saada Ali

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ትበርህ አወድ

Praise God for His guidance to join Christ Mission Church. He guided me through a dream. Three years ago, God showed me a dream where I met Pastor Tesfahun. I am learning the true word of God through him, I also understand the true purpose of God for my life. In the word of God in John 8:32~ And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. I’ve been set free by the word of God! Thank you Lord for supporting me until now, for your grace and mercy upon my life. I thank God for Christ Mission Church and for all Higher Life students. Congratulations! God bless you all! Teberh Awed

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​ናርዶስ ጸጋዬ

In Hosea 4:6 God said “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” The more I learn about the Higher Life I am called to live in Christ, the more these words of God become true. Having knowledge and revelation about who God is, why He created mankind, as well as the life I have in Christ, has changed my life. Revelations I received in classes like The Purpose of Creation, Spirit Soul and Body, New Creation, Righteousness, Spiritual Growth, Growing in Faith, Sowing and Harvesting, Divine Healing, etc… will be the strong foundation I will build my faith on. I give all the glory to God who provided this opportunity, to eliminate darkness, so I can walk in the light that is Christ. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12). The revelation I received during the lesson in Righteousness, helped me work from a place of rest. In Romans 10:3-4 the word says “For them being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth.” It taught me that God is pleased with me because of my faith in His Son. I no longer work to be righteous, but rest knowing I am the righteousness of God through Christ. Thank you Pastor for teaching us the foundation of Christianity, and sharing your testimonies as they have helped me overcome some difficulties. May God Bless you and give you an increase, so you can reach and teach many people about the Higher Life they have in Christ Jesus. With Love, Nardos Tsegaye

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ስሂን አባይ

Higher Life class is an amazing revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Since I started to attend Higher Life, my spiritual life is growing to the fullness of God. As Paul says in Ephesians 1:17&18 I always pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of Glory, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation (that gives you a deep and personal and intimate insight) into the true knowledge of him for we know the father through the son. And I pray that the eyes of your heart (the very center and core of your being) may be enlightened (flooded with light by the holy spirit), so you will know and cherish the hope (the divine guarantee, the confident expectation) to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. When the word of God gets into our soul & spirit with the help of the Holy Spirit it takes away the old man and changes it to the new man. The new me started to see things in a different way that creating faith, peace, love, joy, happiness, and forgiveness. God’s word restores my life and my marriage and now I know he has a wonderful plan for my life. Our sweet Jesus is never late The best is yet to come! Sihin Abay

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ኪዳን ሃይሌ

My name is Kidan Haile and this is how I got connected with the Higher life course! I saw two dreams 2 months before I started higher life class with Pastor Tesfahun Mulualem. In my first dream, I saw a huge crop storage and in that large building, there were three offices, and pastor Tesfahun told me that his brother-in-law gave him the building. After that, he showed me all around the building and the dream ended there. In the next month, I saw another dream. In my dream, I went to Christ mission church and when I was outside the church about to get inside, Pastor Tesfahun met me there and he said, "you came". After that, he raised his hand towards me and at that moment the power of the Holy Spirit came all over my body and I fell to the ground. In the dream, I was wearing a navy blue dress, the same one we are going to wear for our graduation gown. After seeing these two dreams I knew I needed to be a partner with Christ mission church. One month after I became a partner I found out that they were signing up applicants for higher life class and I Joined. I learned a lot from this class and it helped me a lot in my life. I want to thank Pastor Tesfahun for his humbleness and for teaching us the word using his ministry life experience. I thank God for this ministry and God bless his life and his family. Kidan Haile

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ሰፋኒት ግዛው

I just wanted to drop a note to appreciate and thank you for your dedication and heartfelt lessons in the higher life class. It has definitely been an impartation for me, not just a class. I’m sorry I didn’t participate in class - I’m just in a phase of life where I had to find myself again, it’s taking a long time but I’m definitely in a much better place than I was last year When I joined the class I was in a very desperate situation, the darkest times I’ve ever faced in my life from literally every direction. Higher life has been an anchor when my ship was literally sinking, so much happened this past year in my personal life and in my family, but by connecting to your ministry and higher life class, I was able to stand still through the storm. I was able to separate myself from what was going on to allow the Lord to expose and address a lot of issues in my inner life. My focus has been redirected to Jesus Christ. Most of my faith and life questions were answered just by sitting under your teaching, and the Word became more real and alive to me. I also learned to make a mental list of things I don’t understand yet, which is one of the greatest advice I learnt from you I really appreciate how you point everyone away from yourself and towards Christ since these days , unknowingly most of us especially women have a tendency to cling to earthly ministers. For me, higher life has been a place where my broken heart and emotional wounds have been addressed. A place where as an Ethiopian Diaspora who has lived most of my life abroad, and at a time when I was not sure where I even fit, learning about the purpose and direction of the body of Christ on earth, made a lot more sense, it is a very strong foundation that I keep sharing with my children who are now in college. Higher Life has been a place where the reality of the spirit world has been unveiled, just a little bit- I know it’s a lifetime journey. Thank you for your personal life examples, and for being very open about your own life journey. I am learning to let go, to love again, to trust again, to be free again, by setting my eyes on Christ and the Word alone. I look forward to experiencing more freedom and deeper joy in the Lord. I pray for a Divine encounter and look forward to an amazing journey with the Lord and His precious people. May your ministry touch many more lives. My prayers for you, your family and your ministry is sincere. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you, Best Regards, Sefanit Gizaw

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